Snoring Devices - The Best Snoring Help

Self-help Cures for Snoring

always try to solve it on your own. There are many home remedies and lifestyle changes that goes a long way in curing your snoring.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Quit Smoking- Smokers have a higher chance of snoring. This is because smoking may irritate the membranes in the throat and mouth which blocks the airways from proper passage.

  • Have a regular sleep pattern- Stick with a bedtime ritual that you are comfortable in. Routinely sleeping on a regular basis ensures you better sleep and minimizes snoring.

  • Exercise- Working out tones your muscles evenly, even your throat. This in turn will lead to a reduce in your snoring.

  • Avoid alcohol, sedatives, and sleeping pills- these products relaxes our body as well as our throats. When our throats become too relaxed, they sometimes fall out of place which then blocks the airways which causes snoring.

  • Lose weight- reducing fatty tissues in your throat and neck is an effective way to reduce and even eliminate snoring.

  • Mouthpieces- If all of these methods fail then try out some mouthpieces by visiting

Bedtime Remedies

  • Avoid heavy meals and caffeine- especially within two hours before you sleep. Soymilk and dairy products are also to be avoided.

  • Use humidifier- Dry air and a humid temperature can irritate the nose and throat.

  • Sleep on your side- gravity causes your tongue and other soft tissues to fall on your airway and obstruct the air passing through.

  • Clear nasal passages- when you have a stuffy nose, your breathing becomes difficult and you create a vacuum in your throat. This leads to snoring since the tissues in your mouth begin to vibrate which creates sound.

  • Reposition- elevate your head to make sure that your jaw and tongue have enough space where air can pass through your mouth easily.

Throat Exercises

Another effective way in which you can stop snoring is through exercising your throat. This can be easily done within 30 minutes of every day. Basically, you just curl your tongue in specific ways and pronounce certain vowels repeatedly. This strengthens the muscles in your upper respiratory tract which reduces snoring.

Try the following work out to reduce snoring. You can start by practicing them slowly and then gradually work your way up to higher number sets.

  • Repeat each vowel (a-e-i-o-u) out loud for three minutes a few times a day.

  • Place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth. Slide your tongue backwards for 3 minutes a day.

  • Close your mouth and purse your lips. Hold for 30 seconds.

  • With mouth open, move jaw to the right and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on left side.

  • With mouth open, contract the muscle at the back of your throat repeatedly for 30 seconds. Tip: Look in the mirror to see the uvula (“the hanging ball”) move up and down.